A2Z BADGE 150 2017 E1487417298572

D is for… Dreams


Previous years we have talked about notebooks for a specific purpose and I did a post on dream journals. But not everyone dreams enough or cares enough to journal about their dreams and what they remember about their subconscious. However, any notebook can be (and one should be) used as a bedside notebook, for ideas, thoughts and dreams that you think of during the night to write in when you wake in (or when you are tucked up in bed and can’t be bothered to move).

My bedside notebook is a messy notebook, a rushed notebook and a full notebook. So use something you don’t mind scribbling in and all over. I currently use a Story Supply Notebook and vary between the grid, lined and plain notebooks.

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Do you keep a notebook beside your bed? Share in the comments.

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Thank you for joining us during the A to Z Challenge. Our theme this month is an A to Z of uses for everyday notebooks and we encourage you to subscribe to our blog or follow us on twitter for more stationery inspired blog posts.

3 thoughts on “D is for… Dreams”

  1. I occasionally jot down ideas during the night if I’m really close to falling asleep because then I’ll definitely forget it, but for the most part I don’t jot down ideas until they’ve stood the test of time. Either I think about them for an extended period or I think about them then forget and they come back. Then I’ll jot them down and let them develop further.

  2. I used to have a lovely dream journal which was all black paper and came with a special silver pen to write in. I have wonderfully vivid dreams and can lucid dream as well, which can make them good fun.

    Cait @ Click’s Clan

  3. I keep a notebook in my nightstand. Sometimes when I am puzzling over something, I write a question in the notebook, then in the morning I make note of my dreams. Once in awhile I recognize an answer to my question. Sadly, I am not consistent with this. I’m going to put that notebook on my pillow to remind me to use it again.

    I do have another notebook (ordinary spiral bound) that I keep in my office and if I find myself mulling over a dream, I consider it significant enough to write about the dream in that journal.

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