Countdown to 2015: Diary Collection

There are a lot of beautiful diary collections out there. Your choice will partially be based on your preferred format (eg. dialy, week to view, Week on 2 pages and monthly (and how much space you need for the weekends), but sometimes it is just the classic look and feel of a diary that wins out.

1. Castelli

I tried a Castelli Notebook for the first time this year and loved it.Therefore it was only natural that I would check out their Diary offerings as well. They are available from John Lewis and are available in a variety of colours and sizes to suit your personal taste.

See: Castelli Ivory Collection

2. Letts

Like previous years Letts Diaries are personal favourites of mine especially for the desk diary option. However, they do a great range of simple and affordable diaries – personal & business.

See: Letts Diaries

3. Moleskine

I have already purchased the 2015 Monthly Agenda Diary from Moleskine as I always find that there are few options for a decent Monthly Diary and I have used this one previously. In additional to their monthly option Moleskine have a full range of daily and weekly options.

See: Moleskine Diaries

4. Paperchase

For simple diary options with a bit of colour and character then look no further than Paperchase for your shopping. These are great for day-to-day diaries.

See: Paperchase Diaries.

5. Filofax

For the diary that you can reuse each year – use a filofax. If you haven’t already got one of these ring bound organisers you can get one here. If you are already a proud Filofax owner and are simply in need of new inserts here are some of my favourite options for 2015:

What will you choose?

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