IMG 1941

Thank you cards at Christmas

IMG 1942

Post-Christmas and New Year festivities it is important to write Thank You cards to express gratitude to your hosts and those people that have been kind enough to buy you a present.

It is likely that you have already thanked everyone in person or through a text or call. However, you may want to send a handwritten snail-mail card to thank some extra people as well (before too many days pass by in the new year).

  • Write a Christmas Thank You Note to someone who has made a positive impact in your life;
  • Write a Christmas Thank You Note to someone that you work with that you are thankful for;
  • Write a Christmas Thank You Note for any gift received (or party attended) that you have not thanked the person for yet:

It is never too late to say thank you, but there’s also no better time than now.

IMG 1941

These “Fox in Snow” Cards that I picked up from Green Pebble are designed by Caroline Barker. They are a great choice for blank cards that can be used as thank you cards but still have a wintery feel to them.

Green Pebble is a family art publishing company based in the East of England dedicated to raising the profiles of top practising artists and one of my go-to choices for beautiful cards.

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