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To-Do List: Daily Options

A great time-management technique is to write a fresh to do list each day so that you can sort out your priorities and work out what you need to get done. If this method is something that works for you (or something that you might like to try) there are a number of “daily options” and go-to stationery items that you can use to do this.

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To Do List Pads

If you are more about writing a disposable list (rather then keeping your lists, planning ahead etc) then a to-do list pad can be a great option for you.

Here are some examples:

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To Do List Notebooks

If you prefer to keep a record of your lists or plan ahead you might prefer a notebook option. This might be a specific to-do list notebook or alternatively, you might want to use a daily planner that has space for your to-do list.

Here are some examples:

What do you use for your to-do lists? Do you rewrite your list on a daily basis? Share in the comments.

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